Monday, October 10, 2011


We want to adopt.

This post will not be about all the reasons, that will come later but this one is to ask for your help.

We have looked at agency's and have started to go into the process with one but as I have been praying and thinking about it, I would like to ask for your help to do a direct adoption.

If everyone I know would re-post this on their facebook page I think it can be done!  We are looking for a newborn preferably, but not only, and want to be open to any race, creed and health issues.   We would love to be able to keep in contact with the mother through pictures and letters and whatever works for both of us.  We are willing to travel within the US.  

It takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes to help adopt one.  Please be our village!

Thank you!

Matt & Mya, Madeleine & Justus Burgoon

We can be contacted directly at or

Friday, October 7, 2011

Long Pause

So I've been thinking on this for a LONG time and not actually writing it...I'm temped to say lots going on, and there is, but not that much!  Its really just me.

Recently a friend sent me a link to a blog about raising a large family.  It made me a little mad.  I mean, it was really good and Godly and loads of good advice and all that but at the same time it made me feel small and guilty and petty in my choices.  Not what I need right now.

I get baby sitters occasionally.  I don't think it harms my children, it helps to keep me (us) sane.  Just because I can't find all my fulfillment in staying at home with my family and finding time to have an 'at home' date with my husband doesn't mean I've failed as a Godly woman.

I don't know yet if I will home school.  I most likely will for a while, but who knows?  I can't make any promises here and I refuse to feel bad for whatever decision I make.

I have a car and I like to get out of the house!  I'm so glad some people can find contentment in staying at home all day everyday but I am not one of them.  Is that ok?  I know it might be good for me but I don't know if it would be good for my children if I had to stay home all the time.  I know here I would adjust, we would learn how to cope and function without a car but still I enjoy having one, and the freedom it gives me to take my children out into the world and to places we wouldn't see if we had to be at home.

This is mostly a vent to get out all the guilt I feel, even thought I say I don't at not being 'that' mother.  I am the mother I am and I'm sure it could be a whole lot better but right now it is what it is.  Not to say I'm not trying everyday to be a better mother and person, just to say that I also want to enjoy the season I'm in and the freedoms I have as a mother to do so many things, with and without my children.  Like being an Election Judge and taking a Midwife Skills class and hopefully someday becoming a midwife and in so doing being a working mother.  We can't all be perfect mothers but we sure can all love the children we have.