I cut open this watermelon this morning and as nature intended it has seeds. Its been a while since I had a seeded watermelon. I think they only sell seedless in the stores anymore! I've always had a bit of a beef with seedless watermelon. There is something wrong about a fruit without seeds. How can it reproduce? Where do the next generation come from if there is no seeds? They sure are easy to eat though. So you'd think I'd rejoice in my real watermelon this morning! As I stood there cutting it into small pieces and picking out endless seeds I was thinking 'this is a lot of work, why am I doing this?' Oh yeah. Because I saw it being picked yesterday.
I grew up eating watermelon with seeds, picking up a piece and taking a bite and spitting out seeds. I never liked it much but that was mostly because I think it doesn't have much flavor. Seeds were just part of the ritual of watermelon. My kids are a little young however to police their own seeds so I stood and picked them all out. In a few years I can toss caution to the wind and let them spit. That will be nice. Until then I need to just keep my complaining to myself and remember that love is picking out watermelon seeds for your baby. Because watermelons are meant to have seeds.